
Using ever2boost

ever2boostis a CLI tool for conversion Evernote to Boostnote.

Quick start

Get Evernote developer token fromhere.

$ gem install ever2boost
$ ever2boost import
input your developer token

Limitation? Gohere

Connect to your Boostnote

You need to connect it to Boostnote. Go Menu -> Add Storage and add it.

And select your storage. It's at~/evernote_storageby default onimport.

ever2boost command

Ever2boost has 2 commands for conversionconvertandimport.

$ ever2boost -h
  ever2boost convert         # convert from .enex
  ever2boost help [COMMAND]  # Describe available commands or one specific co...
  ever2boost import          # import from evernote

Create notes storage from Evernote

First, you need to create new Boostnote storage by ever2boost. And you can choose which command do you use,importorconvert.


Import all of notes from cloud storage at Evernote.

importcommand has 1 optiondwhich specify output directory.

$ ever2boost help import
  ever2boost import

  d, [--directory=DIRCTORY_PATH]  # make Boostnote storage in the directory default: ~/evernote_storage

import from evernote
  1. get your developer token fromhttps://www.evernote.com/api/DeveloperToken.action

  2. runever2boost import

$ ever2boost import
input your developer token

Andimportwill start. It uses EvernoteAPI, thus you should take care access limitations.


Convert notes from.enexfile which isexported file from Evernote.

You can get how to export fromofficial document.

converthas 1 optiondwhich specify output directory.

$ ever2boost help convert
  ever2boost convert

  d, [--directory=DIRCTORY_PATH]  # make Boostnote storage in the directory default: ~/evernote_storage

convert from .enex


Ruby: 2.0.0 or above
bundler: Corresponding to Ruby

if you don't have bundler:

$ gem install bundler

if it fails by permission, you can run as sudo (perhaps you're using preinstalled Ruby in the OS)

Something happens

If your Boostnote would be broken:

  • Notes and folders disappear
  • Folder names are something wrong (e.g: Unknown 1)

First of all, look overthis document. After that, if you would not find how to solve your error, please report an issue.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub athttps://github.com/BoostIO/ever2boost.

More information:how_to_develop_ever2boost

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